Agro-meteorological forecast

Current weather

  • Ljubljana
    • 23° Ljubljana
      Humidity: 40%
      Wind speed: 8km/h
    • 22° Maribor - letališče
      Humidity: 43%
      Wind speed: 5km/h
    • 23° Celje
      Humidity: 47%
      Wind speed: 12km/h
    • 23° Murska Sobota
      Humidity: 40%
      Wind speed: 7km/h
    • 23° Novo mesto
      Humidity: 43%
      Wind speed: 9km/h
    • 20° Postojna
      Humidity: 49%
      Wind speed: 14km/h
    • 25° Portorož - letališče
      Humidity: 50%
      Wind speed: 15km/h
    • 25° Nova Gorica
      Humidity: 40%
      Wind speed: 15km/h
    • 19° Rateče
      Humidity: 48%
      Wind speed: 0km/h

Weather forecast for Slovenia

today 21.09. 12°/22°
Sunday 22.09. 10°/23°
Monday 23.09. 11°/22°
Tuesday 24.09. 14°/20°
Wednesday 25.09. 13°/20°
  • 21.09. - 23.09.
  • 24.09. - 26.09.
Data source: ARSO

The 18th EWRS Symposium successfully concluded in Ljubljana

Andrej Simončič, Director of the AIS, the host of the 18th EWRS symposuim

Andrej Simončič, Director of the AIS, the host of the 18th EWRS symposuim

Lectures in the Marmorna Hall, Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubljana

Lectures in the Marmorna Hall, Exhibition and Convention Centre, Ljubljana

Poster session

Poster session

Thanks to sponsors

Thanks to sponsors

The participants tasted the Slovenian food

The participants tasted the Slovenian food

Between 17 and 21 of June 2018 the 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium took place in Ljubljana Exhibition and Convention Centre. The symposuim was organized by the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (AIS) under the auspices of the European Weed Research Society.
Slovenia hosted the EWRS symposium for the first time and welcomed 263 participants from 40 countries.

240 scientific abstracts, of which 76 oral presentations were included in the symposium programme. The program was divided into 13 sessions, 12 working group meetings, poster section and workshop.
In addition to a rich educational programme, there were also interesting excursions around Slovenia and a rich social programme.

The symposuim was organised in the collaboration with the Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Food, Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, City of Ljubljana, Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Food Safety, Veterinary Sector and Plant Protection, Biotechnical Faculty of University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences of University of Maribor, Plant Protection Society of Slovenia and Agricultural Institute of Slovenia.

The supporters and sponsors of the symposuim: Acies Bio d.o.o., Adama Agan Ltd., Albaugh TKI d.o.o., A2S d.o.o., BASF Slovenija d.o.o., Bayer d.o.o., Belchim crop protection d.o.o., Burleigh Dodds, Farme Ihan KPM d.o.o. – Meso Kamnik d.d., GIZ – Kranjska klobasa, GIZ – Kraški pršut, Karsia Dutovlje d.o.o., Ljubljanski potniški promet, Panvita d.d., Perutnina Ptuj, d.d., Picount d.o.o., SPAR Slovenija d.o.o., Syngenta Kft. ter Syngenta Agro d.o.o.

