
The Plant Protection Department, Slovenia's leading scientific and research centre for plant health, has been researching and managing plant diseases and pests that pose a direct threat to plant health and production for more than 60 years.

Our research in the field of plant health focuses primarily on the search for new, environmentally friendly ways of plant protection based on reducing the risks associated with the use of plant protection products. Amongst others, we investigate integrated pest management (IPM) strategies, biotic plant protection methods and plant protection approaches in organic farming.

Our professional activities include solving problems related to plant diseases and pests in Slovenia, monitoring the occurrence and spread of plant pests, diagnostics, risk assessments and expertises. We provide appropriate technical support to ministries, agricultural advisors and farmers.

Within the Diagnostic Laboratory of the Plant Protection Department , there are National Reference Laboratories (NRLs) and Official Laboratories (OLs) for the identification of plant pests. The Diagnostic Laboratory of the Plant Protection Department is accredited by the Slovenian Accreditation as a testing laboratory according to SIST EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017.

The Remote Sensing and GIS team uses innovative methods of remote sensing or optical detection of electromagnetic radiation for early detection of plant diseases and pests. To this end, we use a variety of sensors that enable diseases or pests to be recognised even before the visible signs appear and allow timely and spatially precise action to be taken.

As part of our forecasting and warning service, we provide agricultural advisors, farmers and plant enthusiasts with up-to-date information on the occurrence and development of economically important plant diseases and pests and guide them towards suitable technological protective measures.

Our work in the area of new plant protection technologies and field trials includes conducting experiments and analyses to determine the effectiveness of plant protection products. In 2011, we were awarded the certificate for Good Experimental Practise (GEP).