Agrometeorološka napoved

Trenutne razmere

  • Ljubljana
    • 4° Ljubljana
      oblačno, dež
      Vlaga: 88%
      Hitrost vetra: 8km/h
    • 1° Maribor - letališče
      oblačno, dež s snegom
      Vlaga: 96%
      Hitrost vetra: 8km/h
    • 0° Celje

      Vlaga: 96%
      Hitrost vetra: 2km/h
    • 5° Murska Sobota
      oblačno, dež
      Vlaga: 89%
      Hitrost vetra: 6km/h
    • 3° Novo mesto
      oblačno, dež
      Vlaga: 90%
      Hitrost vetra: 13km/h
    • 5° Postojna
      Vlaga: 81%
      Hitrost vetra: 35km/h
    • 22° Portorož - letališče
      delno oblačno
      Vlaga: 37%
      Hitrost vetra: 19km/h
    • 13° Nova Gorica
      zmerno oblačno
      Vlaga: 56%
      Hitrost vetra: 33km/h
    • 0° Rateče
      , sneži
      Vlaga: 94%
      Hitrost vetra: 0km/h

Napoved za Slovenijo

danes 16.04. 13°/6° oblačno, plohe
Sreda 17.04. 4°/14° pretežno oblačno, plohe
Četrtek 18.04. 5°/12° pretežno oblačno, plohe
Petek 19.04. 2°/15° delno oblačno
Sobota 20.04. 3°/14° pretežno oblačno, plohe
  • 16.04. - 18.04.
  • 19.04. - 21.04.


Linking Alpine Soil Knowledge for Sustainable Ecosystem Management and Capacity Building

Caring for Soils – Where Our Roots Grow.



Alpine soils perform key ecosystem services (ESS) that enable human well-being, ecosystem functioning and contribute to the biodiversity. The importance of sustainable Alpine soil management is being recognised yet insufficiently implemented mainly due to its cross-cutting function, fragmented governance structures, diverse sectoral needs, lack of targeted soil information and applicable management tools. The Links4Soils project aims to overcome these gaps by linking Alpine soil knowledge, end-users and experts, elaborate sectoral soil information, create best-case practices and promote sustainable soil management. By this, it enhances the applicability of the Alpine Convention Soil Conservation Protocol (SCP) and contributes to the protection, conservation and connectivity of Alpine ecosystems. The project innovatively links expertise and governance on various levels and sectors to jointly develop and implement sustainable Alpine land management policies/strategies.

Main outputs:

  • The Multi-stakeholder Alpine Soil Partnership joins forces of experts and authorities to introduce soil protection in land management practices and promotes Alpine-wide cooperation on soil protection & ESS management.
  • The Alpine Soil Information and Decision Support Platform encourages stakeholders from cross-cutting sectors like forestry, agriculture, spatial planning to benefit from the first Alps-wide soil information system that includes an expert Soil Consultancy Service, sectoral best-case practices etc. in order to integrate them into local and regional management and planning.

The outputs, built on the common interest of public authorities (e.g. soil, environmental protection, planning,) as well as Alpine and EU org. (AC, EUSALP AG 6,EC-JRC), are integrated to ESDAC, linked to international organisations or NGOs for durability after the project. Alpine soil protection is pushed by bottom-up policy and actions that will be transferred to (trans)-national levels, as required by AC SCP and EUSALP.

Project partners:

  • Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije - Lead partner
  • Zavod za gozdove Slovenije
  • Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung ÖSTERREICH
  • Klimabündnis Tirol ÖSTERREICH
  • Institut für Geographie der Universität Innsbruck ÖSTERREICH
  • Università degli Studi di Torino ITALIA
  • Regione autonoma Valle d´Aosta ITALIA
  • LAND-PLAN Büro für landschaftsökologis che Gutachten und Planung DEUTSCHLAND
  • Markt Kaufering DEUTSCHLAND
  • Institut national derecherche en sciences et technologies pour l'environnement et l'agriculture, Groupement de Grenoble FRANCE

Official project website

Alpine Soil Platform (in preparation)

Duration 2016-11-01 to 2019-10-31

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme. Support from the European Union: € 1.975.880,94