dr. Saša Širca

dr., univ. dipl. inž. agr. Znanstveni sodelavec, raziskovalec na področju fitonematologije, predstojnik Oddelka za varstvo rastlin Oddelek za varstvo rastlin nematologija Predstojniki, Raziskovalci +386 (0)1 280 51 76 sasa.sirca@kis.si

Delovne izkušnje

  • Datum: od aprila 2001; Ime in naslov delodajalca: Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, Hacquetova 17, 1000 Ljubljana; Oddelek: nematološki laboratorij, Oddelek za varstvo rastlin; Opis delovnega mesta: strokovno in raziskovalno delo
  • Češka, 2002 (1 teden), Potato Research Institute, Hauličkov Brod
  • Nizozemska, 2002 (3 tedne), Plant Protection Service, Wageningen
  • Severna Irska, 2004 (1 teden), Departement of Applied Plant Sciences, Belfast
  • Francija, 2007 (1 teden), INRA, Rennes
  • Velika Britanija 2012 (1 teden) James Hutton Institute, Dundee, Scotland
  • Velika Britanija 2014 (1 teden) James Hutton Institute, Dundee, Scotland
  • Nemčija 2014 (1 teden) Julius Kuhn Institute, Braunschweig

Sodelovanje na projektih

  • CropSustaIn; FP7; Integrated Approaches for Sustainable Crop Production in Slovenia: Resisting Global Changes; 2012-2016
  • PURE; FP7; Integrated pest management in farming systems of major importance for Europe; 2011-1014
  • LEAFY VEG; EC; Leafy vegetables, their use and utilization; 2008 - 2010
  • COST 872; EC; Exploiting genomics to understand plant-nematode interactions; 2006 - 2010
  • EUPHRESCO Phytosanitary ERA-NET; National; Potato cyst nematodes: ring testing methods for identification and resistance testing; 2008-2009
  • EUPHRESCO Phytosanitary ERA-NET; National; Detection and management of the quarantine nematodes Meloidogyne chitwoodi and Meloidogyne fallax in the EU member states; 2010-2011
  • V4―1075; National; Threatening of Pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus to Slovenian forests; 2010-2013
  • V4―1068; National; Biofumigation as alternative for chemical control of soil borne pathogens; 2010-2012
  • L4―1021; National; Can global climate changes influence the settlement of tropic plant parasitic species new to Slovenia,  the example of Meloidogyne ethiopica?; 2008-2011
  • L4―9585; National; Invasive fungi and insects harmful to forests; 2006-2009
  • V4―0313; National; Diagnostics of grapevine diseases; 2006-2009
  • V4―0324; National; Yellow potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis pathotype characterization and determination of the virulent genes polymorphism; 2006-2008
  • V4―0352; National; Harmful factors for forest in contemporary time: monitoring, ecological modelling, influence of management and measures; 2006-2008
  • M1―0152; National; Protection against unintended release of genetically modified organisms and other biotic agents (phytopatogenic microorganisms) in environment; 2006-2008
  • L4―6294; National; Alternative methods of soil disinfection using solarization and plant glucosinolates; 2004-2007
  • L4―6477; National; The optimization of plant protection procedures of entomopathogenic nematodes usage; 2004-2007
  • J4―6307; National; The role of nematode Xiphinema rivesi dalmasso, 1969 in the transmission of nepoviruses; 2004-2007
  • V4―0110; National; Examination of the bionomics of western corn rootworm and assessment of possibilities for its control and management in Slovenian growing conditions; 2004-2006
  • V4―0872; National; Causers of new and less-known diseases of grapevine; 2003-2006
  • V4―0461; National; Procedures for surveillance and diagnosis of certain harmful organisms and population studies of different geographical areas; 2002-2005

Znanstveno in strokovno področje

diagnostika rastlinsko parazitskih ogorčic, biodiverziteta in epidemiologija, populacijska genetika, integrirano varstvo rastlin, okolju prijazne tehnologije varstva rastlin


  • Od 2004, DVRS – član, Društvo za varstvo rastlin Slovenije
  • Od 2004, ESN – član, European Society of Nematologists
  • Od 2008, mednarodni projekt COST 872, član upravnega odbora
  • Od 2009, član panela za karantenske ogorčice pri EPPO
  • Od 2013, nacionalni koordinator COST FA1208 projekta

Izbrana dela

  • ŠIRCA, Saša, UREK, Gregor. Morphological and molecular characterization of six Longidorus species (Nematoda: Longidoridae) from Slovenia. Russian journal of nematology, ISSN 0869-6918, 2009, vol. 17, no. 2, str. 95-105 [COBISS.SI-ID 3200104]
  • ŠIRCA, Saša, GERIČ STARE, Barbara, STRAJNAR, Polona, UREK, Gregor. PCR-
  • RFLP diagnostic method for identifying Globodera species in Slovenia. Phytopathologia Mediterranea, ISSN 0031-9465. [Print ed.], 2010, vol. 49, str. 361-369. [COBISS.SI-ID 3497064]
  • ŠIRCA, Saša, UREK, Gregor, LAZAROVA, Stela, ELSHISHKA, Milka, PENEVA, Vlada. Longidorus carniolensis sp. n. (Nematoda, Longidoridae) from vineyard soil in Slovenia. ZooKeys, ISSN 1313-2989, 2011, vol. 141, str. 1-27. [COBISS.SI-ID 3698280]
  • GERIČ STARE, Barbara, FOUVILLE, Didier, ŠIRCA, Saša, GALLOT, Aurore, UREK, Gregor, GRENIER, Eric. Molecular variability and evolution of the pectate lyase (pel- 2) parasitism gene in cyst nematodes parasitizing different Solanaceous plants. Journal of molecular evolution, ISSN 0022-2844, 2011, vol. 72, str. 169-181, doi: 10.1007/s00239-010- 9413-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 3469160] STRAJNAR, Polona, ŠIRCA, Saša, UREK, Gregor, ŠIRCELJ, Helena, ŽELEZNIK, Peter, VODNIK, Dominik. Effect of Meloidogyne ethiopica parasitism on water management and physiological stress in tomato. European journal of plant pathology, ISSN 0929-1873, vol. 132, no. 1, str. 49-57. [COBISS.SI-ID 3642984]