Agro-meteorological forecast

Current weather

  • Ljubljana
    • 22° Ljubljana
      Humidity: 41%
      Wind speed: 9km/h
    • 23° Maribor - letališče
      Humidity: 41%
      Wind speed: 9km/h
    • 23° Celje
      Humidity: 46%
      Wind speed: 9km/h
    • 23° Murska Sobota
      Humidity: 39%
      Wind speed: 1km/h
    • 22° Novo mesto
      Humidity: 43%
      Wind speed: 7km/h
    • 20° Postojna
      Humidity: 43%
      Wind speed: 16km/h
    • 25° Portorož - letališče
      Humidity: 52%
      Wind speed: 12km/h
    • 24° Nova Gorica
      Humidity: 41%
      Wind speed: 17km/h
    • 17° Rateče
      Humidity: 55%
      Wind speed: 0km/h

Weather forecast for Slovenia

today 21.09. 12°/22°
Sunday 22.09. 10°/23°
Monday 23.09. 11°/22°
Tuesday 24.09. 14°/20°
Wednesday 25.09. 13°/20°
  • 21.09. - 23.09.
  • 24.09. - 26.09.
Data source: ARSO

Fruit growing

The importance of certified production
Certification (official certification) is a process of producing sanitary verified propagating material and nursery fruit plants. 

The advantage of certified production (in comparison with CAC) lies in the certified original material (genetic, sanitary). Further propagation stages are known and controlled (traceability of progeny)!

The importance of planting certified material:

  • reaching higher yields related to sanitary status,
  • prevention of spreading of diseases.

Legal ground:
Rules on Marketing of Propagating Material and Fruit Plants Intended for Fruit Production, (Of.J. of RS, No. 17/06 and 107/2009).

The annual production application (for the certified production) is sent by the producer to the certification authority (Agricultural Institute of Slovenia) each year by 30 April at the latest! The annual application form of production together with the instructions for its filling is available on the current page.

The surveillance of the production of certified (officially certified) fruit plant material is performed by Agricultural Institute of Slovenia which was appointed as certification authority. The surveillance is carried out on the basis of annual production application.

Some relevant pieces of information concerning the certified production of fruit plants:
    INFORMATION for the certified production

FORM- annual production application (certification)

by 30 April

INSTRUCTION for the filling in of the form