Agro-meteorological forecast

Current weather

  • Ljubljana
    • 14° Ljubljana
      Humidity: 68%
      Wind speed: 3km/h
    • 17° Maribor - letališče
      Humidity: 49%
      Wind speed: 22km/h
    • 17° Celje
      Humidity: 54%
      Wind speed: 12km/h
    • 18° Murska Sobota
      Humidity: 50%
      Wind speed: 15km/h
    • 15° Novo mesto
      Humidity: 66%
      Wind speed: 3km/h
    • 10° Postojna
      Humidity: 93%
      Wind speed: 3km/h
    • 16° Portorož - letališče
      Humidity: 71%
      Wind speed: 1km/h
    • 14° Nova Gorica
      Humidity: 76%
      Wind speed: 4km/h
    • 11° Rateče
      Humidity: 67%
      Wind speed: 0km/h

Weather forecast for Slovenia

today 28.04. 6°/22°
Monday 29.04. 6°/25°
Tuesday 30.04. 10°/25°
Wednesday 01.05. 10°/23°
Thursday 02.05. 11°/18°
  • 28.04. - 30.04.
  • 01.05. - 03.05.
Data source: ARSO

Tatrastan delegation visited Agriculture Institute of Slovenia

Tatrastan delegation got acquainted with research infrastructure at the Institute

On Monday, August 22nd 2016 Tatrastan delegation visited Agriculture Institute of Slovenia where were hosted by Director Andrej Simončič. Visitors got a deep insight into the research, developmental ...

Introduction to Hyperspectral System

The contribution on hyperspectral imaging, which allows capturing highly accurate and detailed information based on the optical properties of studied plants or objects. Due to the inherent optical ...

International workshop on climate changes

International workshop on climate changes, organized by the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia through the Cropsustain European project, took place in Ljubljana on Tuesday, 24 November 2015. At ...

International Year of Pulses 2016

The 68th UN General Assembly declared 2016 the International Year of Pulses (IYP) (A/RES/68/231). The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has been nominated to facilitate the ...

Conference Science and Practice in Agriculture

Grad Jable, Grajska cesta 1, Loka pri Mengšu

The CropSustaIn project Final conference was organised on 23rd of September, 2015 on the Castle Jable, Loka pri Mengšu, Slovenia. 90 participants from research institutions, faculties, agricultural ...

New Web page of the H2020 project Treasure

Povezava na spletno stran H2020 projekta Treasure

Dan odprtih vrat Kmetijskega inštituta Slovenije

Ogled poskusov pšenice

V sredo, 17. junija 2015, je v Infrastrukturnem centru Jablje potekal Dan odprtih vrat, ki so se ga udeležili pridelovalci, kmetijski svetovalci ter predstavniki strokovnih inštitucij in poslovni ...

Conference Plant health for sustainable agriculture

Cankarjev dom, Ljubljana

International scientific conference on current challenges in plant health, biotechnology and plant breeding took place in Cankarjev Dom in Ljubljana on May 11th and 12th 2015. Over 170 participants ...

H2020 projekt TREASURE: predstavitev za javnost

Partnerski konzorcij

  Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije je na področju raziskav in inovacij programa Obzorje 2020 kot koordinator pridobil projekt »TREASURE«. Projekt temelji na diverziteti lokalnih pasem in sistemov reje ...

Obisk članov upravnega odbora »COST projekta FAIM« na Kmetijskem inštitutu Slovenije

Gostitelja izr. prof. dr. Andrej Simončič, direktor KIS in dr. Meta Čandek-Potokar z udeleženci srečanja

Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije je 9. in 10. marca 2015 gostil srečanje ožjega upravnega odbora (MC8) COST projekta FAIM »Optimising and standardising non-destructive imaging and spectroscopic methods to ...