Spirit drinks - issuing a compliance report

According to the authorisation by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food of the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the RS, 44/2004), our laboratory has been designated as an organisation authorised for determining the compliance of spirit drinks quality for the purposes of official control or inspection.

Spirit drinks are all drinks with an alcoholic strength above 15% vol. with exception of some aromatised wines. When issuing spirit drinks compliance reports, we distinguish between procedures we for spirit drinks without geographical indication (namely, the majority of spirit drinks) and spirit drinks with protected geographical indication. In our laboratory, we can only issue compliance reports for spirits that are not protected by a geographical indication/reference.

Spirit Drinks without geographical indication


The producer (client) can bring the samples in person or send it to the Agricultural Institute of Slovenia. The analyses require only one (1) bottle with a volume of 1 l that should be taken after the entire quantity of the spirit drink is well homogenised.

A RECEPTION SHEET must be filled out when submitting a sample.


Physico-chemical analyses for spirit drinks are: alcohol strength (%vol), total dry extract (g/l), relative density at 20°C (-), content of methanol (g/hL a.a.) and total content of volatile compounds, namely aldehydes, esters and higher alcohol (g/hL a.a.).

In accordance with European and Slovenian legislation, individual spirit drinks also require additional analyses (e.g. for absinthe, determining thujone is obligatory).